Sunday, October 23, 2011

Don't Give Up


~We were created to have abundant and joyful lives, but for many people this such a life is seemingly impossible...We were not created to have miserable and joyless lives, we must be able to look through our daily troubles and see that there is always someone else who has it worse...We must see that we're a working progress and God isn't finished yet!

Remember to tell someone you love them.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


From Contemplation we learn Patience,
From Patience we learn Balance,
In Balance we find Harmony…

Remember to tell someone you love them!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011


The challenge is to be yourself
In a world that is trying to make you
like everyone else.

Remember to tell someone you love them.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011


It's a perfect fall day.
Cool and rainy.
I love this feeling of nature. 
So gentle and mild. 
Open to all the nurturing and grandeur, of being in the flow of life.

Remember to tell someone you love them.



Opening to ALL Possibilities
Open to ALL Dimensions

You Choose

It's as if before you there are countless doorways, all leading to new and different hallways. So you wonder and think, calculate and stress, over whether or not you'll knock on the "right" one.
But what you can't yet see, is that all of the hallways beyond all of the doorways eventually lead to the same great room, in the same great house, with the same great party.
So, may as well pick the one you want? Huh?
    The Universe
But, the party I'm talking about is the journey... you know, not some ethereal la-la land.

TUT A Note from the Universe    © ®

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I'm a Cancer Survivor

I walk
       because I’m a cancer survivor.
I run to give someone else
       The love and strength and hope
                           That was given to me.
I walk
       For all the mothers and daughters,
              Aunts and grandmothers,
                           Sisters and friends
Whose lives have been touched by cancer
       And whose hearts mourn the loss
                     of someone dear.
 I walk
       Because I want to be an inspiration.
                     I run because I believe-----

I believe in a cure.
By Kimberly Rinehart
Remember to tell someone you love them.
