Monday, March 28, 2011

The Secret of Happiness

I believe it would help us to make a distinction between joy and happiness.
Joy being an inherent, natural spiritual quality, and happiness often being the results of events. If these distinction holds, we can know that joy is a Spirit-deep quality of being that runs through us regardless of what life presents. Happiness on the other hand, may be very thrilling, but can also desert us when things do not bring the outcomes we had planned. 
The Secret of Happiness
from Science of Mind magazine march 28, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

From - Blooming Humans


     HeArt Peace  - by Frattali
Each new day reveals subtle shifts and changes,
revealing the Beauty of our Dream Seeds
as they Go and Grow in the world.

With Faith Wisdom, we surrender and flow
with the unfolding mystery ... trusting in Love
to guide the Way.

Like the deepening roots of our Dream Seed,
much of our growth and change is veiled
by the layers of time.  Yet, we go and grow
each day, making subtle shifts and vital
extensions that affirm we are ALIVE! Awake!
Aware!  Birthing New Reality with every breath.

Just for today ...

Breathe into the center of the Heart,
the Sacred Space where Love lives. 
Feel the Heart Fire purifying your Being,
as Now flows through you with grace and ease,
releasing tension, discord and resistance.

Relax into the spaciousness of letting go.  Flow with
the moment, allowing Peace to grow.  BE Love.
Receiving each breath with Gratitude, release and
bless All that IS.  Purified through our Heart Fire,
each breath becomes a gift -- to Self and All.

Blooming Humans are WE!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Phoenix Rising

Yes the great news is the lump is shrinking even more! The doctor checked yesterday before I had my treatment. I have never seen some one LIGHT up as she did. Her face was a glow with joy and happiness.

While sitting yesterday receiving my chemo treatment I was reading The Twelfth Insight and looking out the window at the clouds and saw a cloud that looked like a Phoenix Rising. I asked why I was seeing this and I was given this information, that it was me.
Right now I am like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, from this adventure with breast cancer.

The Phoenix  
The Phoenix has long been presented as a symbol of rebirth, immortality, and renewal.

French author Voltaire thus described the phoenix:
It was of the size of an eagle, but its eyes were as mild and tender as those of the eagle are fierce and threatening. Its beak was the color of a rose, and seemed to resemble, in some measure, the beautiful mouth of Formosante. Its neck resembled all the colors of the rainbow, but more brilliant and lively. A thousand shades of gold glistened on its plumage. Its feet seemed a mixture of purple and silver; and the tail of those beautiful birds which were afterwards fixed to the car of Juno, did not come near the beauty of its tail.[2]

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Windy First Day of Spring

Hello Everyone.

This past week I have been resting and taking care of myself.
The new chemo is an adventure in itself.  I have had good days and some bad ones. I have been hurting and resting. I went Wednesday for physical therapy in my right hand.
It is swollen for about 10 days. So I was given a massage technique to open all the lymph nods and stretching for it. It has to do with the lump nods in my body.  I never realized the body had so many. I find this every interesting.  Then we were off to Costco for a few things and then the dentist. Wednesday was my day out of the house. By the time we got home I was exhausted.

Melodie comes over on Mondays and Thursdays for Reiki treatments. This gives me relief from the pain and it is an over all assistance.

That is the latest update and on Tuesday I go for chemo again. Wednesday I go for physical therapy and for my shot for the white blood cells.

One thing I have learned through this is that people do care about each other!
People are kind, gentle and have open hearts.

Johnny and I want to thank you all for the love and caring you have been sending us.

There is within each of us the possibility of magnificence. Every moment is an opportunity to make it manifest. Let the spirit awaken you to a miraculous life.
By Marianne Williamson.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wind Outside and calm inside!

Today Sunday March 13, 2011, is windy and warmer. It is in the high 50’s before the wind chill.

This past week has definitely been interesting and somewhat painful. I went for the new chemo on Tuesday.
I had to be there at 8:40.
First blood work and then met with the nurse practitioner Holly, next at around 10 am into chemo room. There I waited for the nausea meds and then the chemo drip. It is now around 11am.  Paula a friend was there visiting with me during the chemo and Melodie was giving me a Reiki treatment.
Johnny was in the cafeteria having breakfast and working with his computer.

All in all it went very smoothly and I finished before 3:30.
Wednesday had to be there at 3:30 for my shot for the white blood cells.

Thursday I woke up hurting. Not just hurting but even the core of my body (trunk) hurt.
Melodie came over and I had a Reiki treatment. This did help some. I have always had back pain but nothing like this. The new chemo affects the bones and joints and nerve endings.  Friday, Saturday and now Sunday each day it has gotten better. I felt like a big baby. All I could do on Thursday was rest and cry. NOT NICE!

Yesterday Nicole and the boys came over to visit. It had been a month or more since I had seen them. Ryan was sick last week and they could not come and visit. My immune system is too weak to be around too many germs.

Yes I get cabin fever some times but I have started reading again. This is helping. I am reading The Twelfth Insight. I just love this series.

So I am grateful that the level of pain has not been to that extreme before! Each day I feel stronger and I do see the light at the end of this adventure. The lump is shrinking.
I want to thank all of you for the prayers, kindness and love you are and have been sending my way. It makes it easier knowing you all care!
Enjoy this new week.
Remember to tell someone you love them.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Weekly Update

I am feeling good.
I have been in the house all week resting. I still have sinus drip and cough. I am beginning to believe it is from the chemo and not the flu I had!

So I am now getting cabin fever.
Does anyone have some suggestion?

I still get tired in the late afternoon and rest some.

This week I worked on ALL the insurance paper work.
Thank goodness I have an accounting back ground.
It takes a lot to figure out who pays what!
I have spreadsheets and 3 different groups for the medical bills. If you aren’t good with figures, who would figure all this out for you?

Of course in the middle of doing all this paper work I found out I had NO checks left! (I had ordered them over a week ago). They finally arrived Saturday.  So now on Monday I will spend time paying some of the medical bills.

Other than that I start my new chemo on Tuesday March 8th at 8:40 – 3:30. This one is supposed to be much milder then the last 2. 

So please remember to tell the people you love that you love them!

Have an adventurous week and play nice.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Will or Divine Will?

It is important not to ‘need’ what you are calling to you, but rather to have a clear detachment about it.
Let it be all right if it doesn’t come, or if it comes in a different form or experience than what you expected.
After you have asked for something, surrender to whatever comes as being appropriate for you in this space and time for your highest and best good.
See the big picture of the adventure you are having.

Dr Peebles through Summer Bacon

 Dr Peebles

Language of the Heart™
"You are everything that you see, hear, taste, touch, feel and smell. You're every concept, every dream, every possibility, every opportunity, and every probability. That which you are seeking, that which you believe is too late to find inside of yourself-it's never too late, because it doesn't go away. You're not separate from.

You see, every time you shrug your shoulders, throw your hands to the heavens and say, "I give up!" you are buying into the illusions of separation. Of course, there's nothing wrong with abandoning your dreams. There's nothing wrong with saying, "I came here with one purpose. I'd like to change my mind." Absolutely nothing wrong with that whatsoever. But, the important thing to remember is, if you do change your mind, don't fall victim to that.

It's an untruth to say that it is never going to be different, that it's too late, because, my dear friends, it's never too late."
-Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon