Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year

Here is a wonderful affirmation for the new year 2014.

I bathe my soul in the caress of God;
I bathe my soul in the oneness of God;
I bathe my soul in the riches of God;
I bathe my soul in the energy of God;
Yes, I bathe my soul in God!

From Dec. 30, 2013,  Daily Guides, Science of Mind 
Happy New Year! 
Remember to tell someone you love them.


Sunday, December 29, 2013


My brother, Michael transitioned in 1996.
My Dad, Paul transitioned in 1967.
When you are open to receive, Spirit works through any possible means so we can receive messages from the other side. 
I had to reread this a few times as it truly amazed me.

I belong to Birthday Alarm.
On my birthday I received this message...
Just a quick email to wish you a very happy birthday today from everyone here at BirthdayAlarm.com.
Have a great birthday!
Xochi, Michael and Paul  

Open your heart as wide as you can and watch what happens. 

Remember to tell someone you love them.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Walk in the world

Walk in the world,
with faith and freedom to do as you want,
to feel as you wish to be YOU.

Love your life and live it well.
Be grateful for each adventure.
Allow yourself to remain open,
to all Spirit has to offer you.

Believe in the day,
and the knowledge that your day is a adventure.
Discover the magic that awaits you.
Have fun and learn,
love and prosper. 

Remember to tell someone you love them.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Winter Snow

It is a beautiful winter morning. The sun is out and I am warm and happy to be at home.
Time to review some of the work I have been doing.  Getting ready for the new energies being sent to all of us.
Please take some time during this busy season to relax and remember who you truly are.
 A being of Light sent from God. Each of us is special and the planet and world would be so different with out each of us.
know that you are loved and honored for all the goodness in you.
 Open yourself and share with all who you are. It is magical. 

Remember to tell someone you love them.


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Perfect as you are

 ~I see the God within you and 
 share the God within me with you~

Remember to tell someone you love them.


Monday, December 2, 2013



Our greatest strength lies in the gentleness and tenderness of our heart..

Remember to tell someone you love them.
