Sunday, March 23, 2014


Stephanie Brooks Downing
I have not blogged for some time now as I have been experiencing word malfunction.

Since I had the adventure with breast cancer and chemo- therapy I have had some disconnect with words. I know what I want to say but it doesn't come out at all or it comes out as a different word. I misspell words (more than I use to) and reverse things I say and write. I also lose words.
I will not be writing about this again as I am of the belief that what you say, dream, and think will manifest. So I now am working with Spirit to reverse this malfunction.
I am also asking for you all to send me assistance in the form of Loving Light.

So I am going to start writing again, and if you all will bear with me, that will be great!

It seems that as the energies are shifting so rapidly we all are moving forward at a faster pace. We all are receiving a lot of Pure White Light as we continue to spiral it around ourselves, the planet and out into the spheres.
Many around the world are trying to shift up and are being stopped. Know that this is a vibrational experience for all of them.

Some are allowing and some remain in the space and time of old.
We as Light workers and mystics are being called to first and foremost not to judge. We also are being asked to assist with sending the Pure White Light around the world and Pure Love from our open hearts.

Since the first of the year The Band of Light that I channel has been showing us that by doing this we can make a difference in our vibration first and then in the planet as a whole. The race consciousness is moving and allowing the assistance from Spirit now.

We have just had the Spring equinox and a full moon. Many are asking what that was all about.
The full moon allowed new energies to enter our space and time without interfering with our human bodies. Some felt a small amount of the new energies. Please know you all are doing well. The Band of Light has asked each of us to make sure we drink LOTS of water and rest when we feel tired. It is the human body catching up with the fastness of the frequencies.

If you are feeling light-headed know this is what is taking place. It is best if you can rest at those times. Water is a neutralizer and will assist the balancing of the vibrations.

They (The Band of Light) believe we all are ready for this in this year of our 20 and 14. (yes the channel knows this is not how we humans talk), she is allowing for us to come through in our own manner.

It is time for us to leave you for now. Please spiral the Pure White Light daily.

Remember to tell someone you love them.