Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year

Here is a wonderful affirmation for the new year 2014.

I bathe my soul in the caress of God;
I bathe my soul in the oneness of God;
I bathe my soul in the riches of God;
I bathe my soul in the energy of God;
Yes, I bathe my soul in God!

From Dec. 30, 2013,  Daily Guides, Science of Mind 
Happy New Year! 
Remember to tell someone you love them.


Sunday, December 29, 2013


My brother, Michael transitioned in 1996.
My Dad, Paul transitioned in 1967.
When you are open to receive, Spirit works through any possible means so we can receive messages from the other side. 
I had to reread this a few times as it truly amazed me.

I belong to Birthday Alarm.
On my birthday I received this message...
Just a quick email to wish you a very happy birthday today from everyone here at BirthdayAlarm.com.
Have a great birthday!
Xochi, Michael and Paul  

Open your heart as wide as you can and watch what happens. 

Remember to tell someone you love them.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Walk in the world

Walk in the world,
with faith and freedom to do as you want,
to feel as you wish to be YOU.

Love your life and live it well.
Be grateful for each adventure.
Allow yourself to remain open,
to all Spirit has to offer you.

Believe in the day,
and the knowledge that your day is a adventure.
Discover the magic that awaits you.
Have fun and learn,
love and prosper. 

Remember to tell someone you love them.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Winter Snow

It is a beautiful winter morning. The sun is out and I am warm and happy to be at home.
Time to review some of the work I have been doing.  Getting ready for the new energies being sent to all of us.
Please take some time during this busy season to relax and remember who you truly are.
 A being of Light sent from God. Each of us is special and the planet and world would be so different with out each of us.
know that you are loved and honored for all the goodness in you.
 Open yourself and share with all who you are. It is magical. 

Remember to tell someone you love them.


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Perfect as you are

 ~I see the God within you and 
 share the God within me with you~

Remember to tell someone you love them.


Monday, December 2, 2013



Our greatest strength lies in the gentleness and tenderness of our heart..

Remember to tell someone you love them.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

I am grateful for being cancer free.
I am grateful for all of my family and friends.
I am grateful for my warm home and loving husband.
I am grateful for being loved and giving love.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all..
Remember to tell someone you love them.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Asking You All

Pure White Light

I am asking you all again to ....

Take a moment to relax. Breath deeply.

See the Pure White Light

I am asking you all to do this daily for our planet and all living on Mother Earth.

Visualize a beautiful pure white Light.
See it in front of you, spiraling.
Now see the pure white Light spiraling and going deep down to the core of Mother Earth.

Now see the pure white Light spiraling in the core
and illuminating her center. As Mother Earth shifts and changes her vibration, she also helps us to move forward.

Now see the pure white Light spiraling around the outside of Mother Earth.
As the Light is spiraling the pure white Light is entering areas and people, places and things on earth as needed.

As we all are doing this to assist, it raises the vibrations of all that are willing to move forward so we all can be in harmony, peace and Love.
The vibrations are assisting to help our planet and all of it's people.

Some of you ask? Vibrations? Yes everything is vibrations moving at different rates.

Again I am asking you to do this visualization daily through the end of this year.

Remember to tell someone you love them.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Believe in yourself

Open yourself to the oneness of who you truly are.
Believe that you are special.
There isn't another here on mother earth like you!
Know you are here to assist the planet and all of its people, places and things that are living..
Be gentle with yourself and others.
Please remember to tell someone you love them.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mystical Freedom

"Sometimes the surrender is so glorious
it becomes a mystical freedom that you fly free.
 an overflowing fountain of cleansing tears.
 a galaxy of stars spinning,
creating energy. 

a shower of pure gold
ground to dust in a ray of light.
The light  illuminates a moment with a blinding
revelation a gaze that captivates
and captures the heart,
and draws it into a dimension
beyond words.

 perhaps never to yield.
to description a kiss from the universe,
that touches every particle of one’s being
and sets the spirit free forever."

Celestine Starchild's Photo

Sunday, October 27, 2013

It's a beautiful day


This is a picture my grandson Kyle has made.

I am so grateful he is open to all his creativity.

Remember to tell someone you love them.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Perfect just as you are.

We never really know how others see us.
It is usually much clearer than we see our selves.
We all are perfect just as we are. 
We have come to be the Bright Shining Light onto each other.

Have a perfectly beautiful day.

Remember to tell someone you love them.

Monday, October 14, 2013


Photo: <3     

Remember to tell someone you love them.


Sunday, October 13, 2013


 Family isn't always blood.
It's the people in your life who want you in theirs;
the ones who accept you for who you are.
The ones who would do anything to see you smile
And who love you no matter what.

Remember to tell someone you love them.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pure White Light

Pure White Light

In my Monday channeled guided meditation group the following information has been coming through for some time now and I have been guided to share it with as many people as possible.

I am asking you all to do this daily for our planet and all living on Mother Earth.

Visualize a beautiful pure white Light.
See it in front of you, spiraling.
Now see the pure white Light spiraling and going deep down to the core of Mother Earth.

Now see the pure white Light spiraling in the core
and illuminating her center. As Mother Earth shifts and changes her vibration, she also helps us to move forward.

Now see the pure white Light spiraling around the outside of Mother Earth.
As the Light is spiraling the pure white Light is entering areas and people, places and things on earth as needed.

As we all are doing this to assist, it raises the vibrations of all that are willing to move forward so we all can be in harmony, peace and Love.
The vibrations are assisting to help our planet and all of it's people.

Some of you ask? Vibrations? Yes everything is vibrations moving at different rates.

Again I am asking you to do this visualization daily through the end of this year.

Remember to tell someone you love them.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Process of Thinking

~The Process of Thinking~

Science of Mind, September 23, 2013

The trouble with having an open mind, of course, 
is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it
...Terry Pratchett

Man's conscious thought, acting through Law, may change any condition in his experience, provided he can clearly conceive of such conditions being changed.  
There is no limit to the Law.... 
The Science of Mind, page 133

Ever notice all the new diseases on television commercials today? Well, don't worry---there's always a pill or elixir to relieve them. The moment a name is given to anything, it is made into a possibility. What we know is that there is another way to be rid of disease, and that is with our process of thinking.

Phineas Parkhurst Quimby spoke of adjusting our thinking to match that which is Real. He said that disease always follows a belief. We must believe that these things actually exist in order for it to become a possibility. There is no disease independent of the mind, for disease is not self -existing, and for sure it is not created by God. Let us not allow just any thought to fill the open mind, but instead train our thinking to follow along the lines of that which is true.

Reality is health and wholeness.
Reality is peace and abundance.
Reality is power and love, and
Reality is joy and harmony.

On a daily basis, we must adjust our conditions so they match great Reality.

We must train our process of thinking so that we know the truth that sets us free. 

Let us continue to support our own thinking process by using prayer, meditation, visioning, and service to anchor the Reality that already exists. 
There is one life,  that life is God, that life is perfect, that life is my life now. 


My identity is wholeness and perfection. God expresses beautifully as me.

Remember to tell someone you love them.



A Long Time

Sorry it has been so long since I have written. 
 My computer wasn't compatible,
 with the server for my blog. 
My wonderful husband fixed it for me.

So we are off and writing again.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

You as You ARE.


As we move and shift during this time on our planet. Remember you are perfect just as you are.

It is a time of great change, we all have come to assist our planet Earth and each other.

In peace and silence, the ego of the 'I' dissolves and the inner and the outer become ONE.

We are and remain as ONE.


Remember to tell someone you love them.


Friday, August 23, 2013



Remember to tell someone you love them.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Awakened Souls

Awakened souls ---
Strengthen and encourage each other, by their friendships and interchange of thoughts.
Caring, taking time for each other and all they come in contact with, nurturing of all Spirits and revealments will be made.
They create a network of light over the planet and spin threads of mutual upliftment and inspiration for all to see, feel and share.

Remember to tell someone you love them.


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Follow Your Heart

~~~Where our treasure is,
 there is our heart...  

Our heart may not always lead us down the easiest path,

but it will always lead us down the right path.

Take a moment, 

 right now to listen to your heart.

Sit in silence.

Close your eyes.

Breathe deeply.

Now just notice, notice what your heart is saying
 just to  you!

If you listen you will always receive the correct heart felt 

answer that is yours alone~~~

Remember to tell someone you love them.

Have a heart felt week.



Friday, June 21, 2013

Holistic & Metaphysical Fair

The Holistic & Metaphysical Fair
Is this week end,
Saturday & Sunday June 22 - 23,
from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

It will be held at:
Collister Shopping Center –
4764 W. State, Boise, ID.

The Fair is FREE and open to the public!
Fabulous raffle prizes.
Come on out to the fair and enjoy the day!

Remember to tell someone you love them.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Fathers Day

Some of you have fathers and are enjoying the day with them.

Some of us have fathers that have transitioned and only have contact when we open our hearts and think of them.
Either way our fathers are always with us in remembrance and in our hearts.
So enjoy fathers day.

Remember to tell someone you love them.


Sunday, June 9, 2013

It's a beautiful Sunday morning


It's a beautiful Sunday morning.

I awoke early this morning and was having a lovely cup of coffee when the dog in the house behind us started barking. He barks a lot but not early in the morning. It was around 6:15.

The sun was rising and there was a gentle breeze.
The perfect summer morning. 
It reminded me of when I was a child playing outside in our backyard early in the morning before others awoke.
I went out into the back yard and 
 passing over the houses behind us to the left was a hugh
hot air balloon.

What a site to see. A wonderful way to start the day.

Enjoy your perfect day.

Remember to tell someone you love them.


Monday, May 27, 2013

Roof Repair and Spirit

We have a Maltipoo named Stanley. I take him for walks at least 3 times a week. I have 3 different routes we walk.

It's a short walk when I am in need of time.
We take a medium walk that is a nicer walk and we pass where they are building an elementary school, and we pass more trees and are on a pathway,
The longer walk is past the school being built, past the trees and around the park. All service us both well.

During the windy days a few weeks ago, a piece of the shingle came loose on the front of our house above the garage. It was still on but in need of repair. I asked a neighbor if they knew anyone that could fix this and they did not. We didn't know who to call so I just kept thinking about it and checking in with Spirit as to what we should do. Some time had past and the weather man said new storms were on the way.

Friday, Stanley and I were walking. It was a gentle morning - not too cold and not too hot so I decided to take the medium walking path. As we passed the school being built, I kept thinking I'll go and ask a construction guy if he knows of someone we can call to fix this small roof problem. We kept walking and, as I get to the street we turn on, I see a truck coming in the opposite direction. I flagged him down and went over to his truck.

I say, “this may sound strange, but do you know someone that can fix a small part of our roof?” I told him I had a certain amount I could pay. He immediately asked for the address. (He never said he could or could not fix the roof) I told him the address, and told him my husband was in the front mowing the lawn and that I would walk fast and meet up with him there. Now I was on the end of my walk and by now I'm walking slower but then proceeded to walk a little faster. When the house was in sight, I saw Johnny still mowing the lawn and the man on the roof.

I walked up with Stanley near me. The man finished and came down off the ladder and he told me he also put caulk on all the nail heads as this will assist when we have high winds. This then triggered me asking him if he knew anyone that fixes gutters. He said he had some stuff in his truck and could fix both corners where it was leaking.

He went back up on the ladder.
I went in the house to get the money and Johnny came in and got one of his CD's to give to him. Johnny gave him the CD, and they started talking about how his daughter is in her 3rd year of playing the piano. I told him how I had been asking Spirit to guide us to someone to fix the roof while Johnny and he finished talking about piano music. He said, “God has guided us together”, and then refused to take my money. Of course I started crying, as my emotions have again been out of whack. I asked for his card and he also explained that he does painting and remodeling. He said he was on his way to take the ladder to another job and that he had been trying to get over to the school for 2 weeks. I hadn't noticed that he had his own ladder.

His name is Toby and the name of his company is:
The Carpenters Son.

Now just think for a moment what it took for Spirit to get us both at that corner at the same moment. Amazing and God guided.

Remember to tell someone you love them.

