I am doing well after my lumpectomy on Wednesday May 11th.
I got a call from my surgeon and she told me that they got all of the cancer and in the surrounding area and that it was clear.
I am now resting and getting back my strength. I will not start any treatments until the middle of June. Yippee.
Then in June I will be having radiation therapy and anti-hormones for 5 years.
Each day I am feeling stronger and back to my old self, more energy and feeling like doing things again!
This past week was very different for me.
I went through 16 weeks of 8 rounds of chemo and surgery and was doing fine.
This past week it hit me and I was mad and sad. I was crying and quiet and all the emotions came all at once. I am feeling much better today. In the past I have always been a very private person but that all has gone out the window now.
It is amazing to me how Spirit works to move us forward.
I have always been open to receiving guidance when I am still. This past week I found myself listening to those old recordings….
Not my higher self. It took my husband to help me shift back to my Oneness. Thank you Johnny.
I was trying to be so strong and not allowing my self to fully feel the emotion of this adventure. Now I feel and it is ok for me to be open to receive all Spirit wants me to see and receive, showing me through people places and things.
I feel that by doing this blog I am helping myself and others.
The blog was started before I found my lump and it was more spiritual in nature. It is still spiritual and also informative about my adventure with breast cancer.
That is what is happening around my house this week.
Have a sun filled week.
Remember to tell someone you love them.