Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Days

 First flowers from my garden     
Worry is prayer in reverse.  Source unknown ….

There's nothing you can't do, and nothing you have to do…..
When we let go of fear, only then can we gracefully move from what was into the miracle of what can be. ~

In life you cannot EVER be less than you really are,
BUT YOU CAN THINK that you're less  than you really are.  DON'T.  

Do what is important rather than what is urgent

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


  by Nene Thomas
Yesterday I was driving to my radiation treatment and it was a bright sunny perfect spring day here in Idaho. As I looking in my rear view mirror I saw 4 teenage girls in a Mustang convertible waving and having a wonderful sunny day.  Coming the other way was a car full of teenage boys all waving and having a fun sunny day.

It reminded me of when I was a teenager and how wonderful life really is!

I had been in the house all winter with no immune system and now I am enjoying life and its amazing grandeur. The warmth of the sun, flowers in full bloom and nature at it’s best. I am very blessed.

Enjoy each day and remember to tell someone you love them.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Interesting times

All is going well, I am starting radiation therapy on Monday the 13th. I will be having 33 treatments which is the standard for my type of breast cancer.

My Aunt Chickie, who is back east, is back in the hospital she has fluid on her lungs, along with all the other medical adventures she is having.
She had a blockage and had surgery for that and did go home with 90 staples in her stomach. Then she had fluid in her lungs, and is still in the hospital. On Thursday morning my Uncle transitioned. They have been divorced for many years. My cousin is handling this and much more.

The reason I have added this in here is to ask for prayers for all of their highest and greatest good, as only Spirit know the big picture for all of them.

For myself I am getting ready for our yearly garage sale next Saturday. It truly amazes me how so much stuff keeps coming. I keep clearing out and I just find more and more. LOL

I have lost 35 pounds now (from dieting not the chemo) and have lots of clothes that I will not wear again. Some are like new so I will make sure they are reused.

I am able to get out and about now as energy permits and I am loving that! Yippee….

The adventure continues and I am moving forward as Spirit guides me.

Something for you to think about and create

Be Thankful, Be Quiet, Be Original, 
Be Spontaneous,
Be Punctual, Be Crazy, Be Bold, Be Loud, 
Be Random, Be Adorable,Be Unique, 
Be Daring, Be Obnoxious,
Be Joyful, Be Playful, Be Carefree, Be a Star, Be Loving, and Be YOURSELF!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Conversation with P'taah May 2011

A Breast Cancer Odyssey
Conversation with P'taah-May 2011

With so many people are facing huge health challenges, we were delighted when Kate and Stephanie agreed to do our May Conversations. The two women are at different stages of dealing with breast cancer.  

A more inspiring session would be hard to imagine.  These two women have taken P'taah's words and lived them.

As with all Conversations, P'taah is speaking to each of us, male or female, about finding the gift in our challenges and embracing those challenges into the healing power of love. 

T1  Breast Cancer Odyssey
The effect that compartmentalizing your sexuality and the body itself has on health. Factors that have an influence on breast cancer, both in its development and in its healing, including resentment.

T2  The Greater Reality of Embracing Wholeness
Rather than trying to 'release' anything, visualize your God/Goddess-self 'embracing' negativity into the light of its own being, called Love. Discussion of Wholistic Healing which includes the mental and emotional as well as the physical.  Since everything exists in the non-physical before it manifests in the physical, things go from the inward to the outward. The body is only expressing what is not aligned, so it is important to show forth the intent to be whole and integrated.

T3  Being in the Isness of What Is
Opening yourself to transformation by accepting the 'Isness' of what is. Changing the frequency of what you have created to access your power base. Outward and inner healing with gratitude and giving thanks.

T4  Voice Channeling
Allowing your own knowingness to come forth. Reminding yourself of what you already know.

The May session is available on MP3 at the special introductory price of $6 and on CD for $10.80. Don't wait. Order now!   

Better yet, become a Pay-As-You-Go subscriber and save money. For just $5 a month, get an MP3 of every Conversation delivered to your Inbox the minute it is finished. 

Friday, June 3, 2011

“Promise me you’ll always Remember:
You’re braver than you believe and
Stronger than you seem and
Smarter than you think.”
---Christopher Robin to Pooh