Today Sunday March 13, 2011, is windy and warmer. It is in the high 50’s before the wind chill.
This past week has definitely been interesting and somewhat painful. I went for the new chemo on Tuesday.
I had to be there at 8:40.
First blood work and then met with the nurse practitioner Holly, next at around 10 am into chemo room. There I waited for the nausea meds and then the chemo drip. It is now around 11am. Paula a friend was there visiting with me during the chemo and Melodie was giving me a Reiki treatment.
Johnny was in the cafeteria having breakfast and working with his computer.
All in all it went very smoothly and I finished before 3:30.
Wednesday had to be there at 3:30 for my shot for the white blood cells.
Thursday I woke up hurting. Not just hurting but even the core of my body (trunk) hurt.
Melodie came over and I had a Reiki treatment. This did help some. I have always had back pain but nothing like this. The new chemo affects the bones and joints and nerve endings. Friday, Saturday and now Sunday each day it has gotten better. I felt like a big baby. All I could do on Thursday was rest and cry. NOT NICE!
Yesterday Nicole and the boys came over to visit. It had been a month or more since I had seen them. Ryan was sick last week and they could not come and visit. My immune system is too weak to be around too many germs.
Yes I get cabin fever some times but I have started reading again. This is helping. I am reading The Twelfth Insight. I just love this series.
So I am grateful that the level of pain has not been to that extreme before! Each day I feel stronger and I do see the light at the end of this adventure. The lump is shrinking.
I want to thank all of you for the prayers, kindness and love you are and have been sending my way. It makes it easier knowing you all care!
Enjoy this new week.
Remember to tell someone you love them.